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The Hope Place Newsletter 2019

                  We continue a preschool program for small kids who don't go to school. Just around three hours in the morning. As usual, we have another evening group of kids that come to us for tutoring after they finish their school where we also serve them hot dinner from Monday to Friday, (it is not uncommon for children to work and have little to no education). In total we are working specifically with around 45 kids every day. It is life changing for them to receive this type of help with their education, character, care and physical needs met. So grateful to be entrusted us with this opportunity.

                  Please consider a monthly or onetime gift to support The Hope Place. Your contributions go directly to this daily work helping these children overcome many obstacles they are facing. Also, towards supporting a home where the children will be able to study and eat, shower (hygiene), meet, rest, play. Most important, to know love. This offers a home and family to those who have none, and support to a needy parent when unable to meet their children's basic needs of food, shelter, education, etc.          

                 Thank you, we are so grateful and appreciate your kindness, care and blessing our efforts for many young lives in a community village in Bangalore, India. Your charitable gift is tax deductible through  

Summer Camp!!!

It's been our great pleasure to provide this new van for use at The Hope Place. It's been a long needed tool which we've been putting to use daily for the benefit of the area children. This picture is of our recent summer camp program at one of the area schools. These are just few of the beautiful children who participated this event. Our plan is for many more such events, along with our daily tutoring and meals program for area children. Our longer term goals are for the construction of our own facility, funding for which continues to grow with your generosity, our plans are moving forward with development in the very near future. Your continued support is always appreciated as we help mold the future of the children of India. Thank you!

Two Million Steps to Hope Mega Run

Mega Run - A 16 Day Marathon "2 Million Steps to Hope!"

Creating awareness against child trafficking and abuse in India. We have two runners from USA and one from India excited to take the journey beginning 17th January 2019 from Chennai to Bhubaneswar.

We need sponsors, support, participation, partners, and well wishers. Anyone interested?

Please contact The Hope Place India Administrator, Godfrey Fernandez at +918050016592 OR via Whatsapp on +919916516592. Also, Melvyn Daniel at 77600 12450

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